Special Offer from SPAJALICA and GREEN VISIONS

You love pristine, wild nature?

You love home-made Bosnian and Herzegovinian food?

You want a relaxing short trip to nature, away from noise, obligations and a fast-paced life?

You enjoy the good company of positive people?

You live an active life, enriching it with new experiences?

If you answered YES to two or more questions, you are the ideal candidate to win SPAJALICA’s and GREEN VISIONS’ special offer.

Share your thoughts with us and win a one-day trip for two to one of the destinations offered by the GREEN VISIONS travel agency.

All you need to do is write some thoughts (up to 5 sentences) on the given topic (provided by SPAJALICA every Monday). Every week, the most original and creative post will win a one-day trip for two. 


GREEN VISIONS link fo web site and brochure:




FB links for writing posts:



GV 2


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