Educational-leisure centre SPAJALICA

SPAJALICA is an educational-leisure centre for youth founded by the Association KULT in Ilidža.

SPAJLICA’s vision  

The vision of the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA is a society which enables young people to become satisfied and socially responsible citizens, while spending their leisure time in a purposeful manner.

SPAJALICA’s mission

SPAJALICA, as one of the leading socially responsible youth centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with all interested parties, takes part in reaching and implementing decisions on improving the position of youth, delivers accessible and innovative training courses and activities that enable young people to pursue non-formal education and complement their leisure time, in line with the assessed needs. SPAJALICA’s employees and volunteers have an equal position, share the same convictions and respect active participation of individuals, and treat their environment responsibly.



spajalica-5Why do we need a youth centre?

If we take a look at the opportunities that young people have for pursuing non-formal education and spending their leisure time in their communities, we must admit that these are unsuitable and insufficient to meet youth needs. There are no places for youth to obtain some professional advice, and where their potentials and ambitions can be recognised.

Which activities are available and who are they for?

For the time being, SPAJALICA is not an open-type facility; this means that youth cannot come there at any time and be there without taking part in any of the ongoing Centre’s activities. There is a three-month program which is made public in a timely fashion. Those who wish to attend courses, such as language or computer ones, or take part in other activities, can apply through the web site or in person at the Centre.

The Centre conducts surveys on its target group regularly, in order to meet the needs of the community and the beneficiaries to the extent possible. We offer not only standard courses such as foreign languages and computer literacy, but also the not so typical ones, such as: bijou making, wood carving, communication skills, photography, etc.
Given that our Association deals with non-formal youth education, in order to facilitate their involvement in the community processes, we also offer individual thematispajalica-22c workshops, as well as a one-year training course for youth leaders – Learn, Think and Act!, accompanied by the Volunteer Diary™, which is KULT’s own product.
The Centre is also becoming a counselling facility for certain fields of interest. For example, we give advice to young women and soon we will be able to offer other types of counselling assistance.
There is also a computer room at the Centre where young people can access the Internet. Non-formal groups and other interested parties can use our accommodation and conference premises.



Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA

Banjska ul. 2

BA-71210 Ilidža

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