Representatives of Institute for Youth Development KULT at the 6th European Platform of Youth Centres

At Sremski Karlovci in Serbia the sixth in a row three-day conference was opened, entitled “6th European Platform of Youth Centres“. The participants of the platform came from 16 countries such as Belgium, Finland, Slovenia, Ireland, Portugal and Turkey. Amongst others, the participants in the platform were Olaf Köndgen, ?uro Blanuša, Georges Metz and Sergio Belfor, the members of the expert team of the Council of Europe. Vesna Filipovi? and Lejla Strika, representatives of the Institute for Youth Developmant KULT presented Bosnia and Herzegovina in the platform.

Activities and achievements of all youth centres were presented during the platform and “Quality Label“ certificate was awarded to the Eco-Centre “Radulova?ki” of Sremski Karlovci with which the representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Institute’s Centre for Youth Spajalica are planning to establish cooperation in the future.

“These platforms are extremely important for further development of youth centres but also for informal education of youth all across Europe. They are particularly significant for raising standards in youth centres in countries that are not members of the EU” – emphasized Vesna Filipovi?, the manager of the Institute’s Centre for Youth Spajalica.

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