“Dialogue on Strengthening Youth Sector in FBiH” Conference Opens

The “Dialogue on Strengthening Youth Policy in FBiH” conference was opened today in Sarajevo at the amphiteatre of the Parliament of the Federation of BiH. The conference was opened by Mrs. Zora Dujmovi?, the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, Mrs. Zahira Virani, the Deputy of Resident Representative of UNDP in BiH and Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

Minister Dujmovi? emphasized that this conference is one of the most significant youth-related gatherings held in the Federation of BiH because it gathered all bearers of the youth policy process from all over the Federation of BiH. “We have here today youth officers from cantons, cities and municipalities from all over the Federation and also Youth Councils, as well as youth from local communities, selected by UNDP, and allow me to emphasize that it is precisely them – youth who are both the aim and the purpose of this conference. We acknowledge youth as equal partners and in the following period we expect full cooperation for improvement and development of their position through the activities we are conducting” – said Zora Dujmovi?, the Federal Munister of Culture and Sports. 

This year is very important for youth in the Federation of BiH. In 2016, the adopting of first Youth Strategy in FBiH is expected, as well as developing the Action Plan of the Strategy, forming Youth Council of FBiH and developing a series of cantonal and other local youth strategies. Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, emphasized that after the Council for Youth of FBiH is formed, which should occur soon, since the formation of Youth Council was expected, the institutional phase of developing the youth sector in FBiH will be completed. 

“The Institute for Youth Development KULT has been supporting the work of youth officers for the past 12 years. We include the participation of local communities and have excellent cooperation with them. Youth officers are the ones who play a significant role in the process. The dialogue among the officers of our programs has always been productive and we see their cooperation as a very important factor in conducting youth policy” – stated Beši?. 

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“A very important partner to both the authorities and international organizations that focus these issues have to be youth in this country” – emphasized Zahira Virani, the Deputy of the Resident Representative of UNDP.  

“You youth must know how we, international organizations and leading structures can aid you, youth, to live in a better world. Think about what you wish and demand from us to assist you in accomplishing your ideas. Let us work together to make those wishes come true” – concluded Mrs. Virani. 

The “Dialogue for Strengthening Youth Sector in FBiH” conference is organized by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports under the sponsorship of the “Dialogue for the Future” project that is jointly implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, with the expert and technical support of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.  

Based on the joint initiative of the Presidency of BiH and the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), as well as the acnowledged need to create space for dialogue and promotion of coexistence in BiH, the UN team in BiH under the guidance of the Resident Coordinator of the UN and in cooperation with the Presidency of BiH developed the project entitled “Dialogue for the Future: Promoting Coexistence and Diversity in BiH”, jointly implemented by UNESCO, UNICEF and UNDP. 

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