Protégés of Institution for Taking Care of Children WIth Developmental Disabilities and Youth Pazari? Presented with School Supplies

Representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT presented today a donation in school supplies to the protĂ©gĂ©s of the Institution for Taking Care of Mentally Disabled Children and Youth Pazari?. 

The average age of the protégés of the Institution is 40. Many of them have been in the Institution since their early age and they grew up there. Vernes is one of them and he kindly helped to carry the school supplies that the protégés of the Institution Pazari? will use in their workshops.

The donation that was delivered by the representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT was received with excitement by both the youngest and the older protĂ©gĂ©s. It will be used, as they say, for various creative workshops for drawing, painting or writing, that are held daily at the pavilion. The donation consists of school supplies and working materials, such as: plasticine, crayons, ballpoint pens and pencils, sketchbooks, crepe papers, watercolours, glue, scissors, board games, jigsaw puzzles, etc. 

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Sabina ?aji? from the Institution Pazari? says that 336 users live there of all age and that an important part of working and education, in accordance with their possibilities, are the donations in school supplies. “We welcome any form of help. We thank our friends from the Institute for Youth Development KULT who enabled the students of the Institute to write and draw easier and thus colour their world with many different colours” – stated Sabina ?aji?, PR Referent of the Institution for Taking Care of Mentally Disabled Children and Youth Pazari?. She adds that the Institution is always in greatest need of donations in adult diapers, medications and food.   

The donation of the school supplies was made in the context of the international educational initiative “aces – Academy of Central European Schools”, and presented via the Institute for Youth Development KULT. The supplies were donated after the aces Kick-Off Meeting which had been held in Sarajevo in early October 2015. aces was initiated in 2006 by ERSTE Foundation (Vienna, Austria) and is coordinated by Interkulturelles Zentrum (Vienna, Austria) in cooperation with V?EL? DOM (Bratislava, Slovakia).

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