Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

UMiD Kids: We’re Learning How to Study, Memorize and Communicate

During the Learn, Think and Act! for kids, our youngest participants showed us how important learning is. During this module, 26 children from...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

UMiD 16: Learning Online!

The COVID-19 pandemic has the entire world facing different challenges, living in isolation and practicing physical distancing. Cultural institutions, schools, universities, parks and...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Youth From 15 Communities Ready to Think Critically

More than 30 young people from 15 local communities in BiH will be able to make well-informed decisions in the local elections thanks...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

UMiD Participants Making Great Strides in Personal Development and Contributing to Communities

The 16th generation of UMiD participants is taking bolder steps on their way to personal growth and development. This last weekend, they attended...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

The Making of Youth Leaders

Youth policy is a comprehensive collection of institutional mechanisms for governmental care for youth. During the third module, the 15th generation of the...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Public Call for UMiD Kids – Learn, Think and Act! for Kids

Public call 19.02.0-N2.1-9 About UMiD Kids – Learn, Think and Act! Training for Kids The Institute for Youth Development KULT has been implementing...

Local civic initiativesYouth Work

Youth From Across BiH Warn About Air Pollution in Sarajevo

Pollution in the capital of BiH, and other cities has been hazardous for days now, and BiH cities are among the most polluted...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Public call: REad and REthink

Public Call 19.03.0-N2.1-22 REad and REthink The Institute for Youth Development KULT is issuing a public call for participants of a four-day training...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

It’s Time for a New Generation of Youth Leaders

During their first module, the new generation of youth leaders taking part in Learn, Think and Act! learned about teamwork and leadership. Interactive...