
Politika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

Opening Doors to Opportunities for Modriča’s Youth

A draft strategic platform was developed by focusing on the needs and priorities shared by young people in Modriča during a survey and...

Međunarodna suradnjaRad s mladima

Swedish Youth Wrap Up Study Visit to BiH with Positive Impressions

A group of students from Global College High School in Stockholm, who spent the past two weeks researching various aspects of Bosnian society,...

Jačanje organizacijskih kapacitetaMentorstvo

How Visiting the Institute Motivates Our Partner Organizations

Our guests today were representatives of Women’s Association SEKA Goražde. Visiting our employees in their offices gave the guests ample opportunities to ask...

Partnerstvo s vlastimaPodrška institucijama vlastiPolitika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

Innovative and Interesting Dialogue Held in Bihać

An inspiring and motivating event titled “Dialogue Between the Youth and Local Government of the City of Bihać: Towards a Youth Strategy” was...

Ljudska pravaOrangeDay

Five Women from BiH: Striding Towards Gender Equality

Bosnia and Herzegovina, like the rest of the world, has been celebrating every 25th day of the month as Orange Day – a...

Rad s mladima

Future 4 YouTH: For a Better Society and Support for Young People!

Youth-focused programs integrating learning about life skills into the formal educational framework are the foundation for peaceful and inclusive societies. One such initiative...

Korporativno volontiranjeVolontiranje

Corporate Volunteering: “If Everyone Did…” Institute Donates 120+ Hours to Community

Last week, employees of the Institute for Youth Development KULT dedicated a work day to volunteering. For the third consecutive year, the Institute...

Obuke i treninzi za omladinske lidereRad s mladimaUMID

Young Community Leaders: Why Is It Important to Educate Young People About Entrepreneurship?

In a time when young people face challenges in finding jobs and career development opportunities, Selma Hamedović, a participant in the “Learn, Think,...