Over 200 Young People Have Visited SPAJALICA in November

Over 200 young people and children from all over BiH have attended various training courses, seminars, lectures and meetings organised at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.

These young people were introduced to the topics such as youth policy, human rights, public relations, advocacy, lobbying, starting one’s own business. They also had fun, met new friends and spent their free time doing meaningful things.

Moreover, there are many other courses delivered at SPAJALICA among which there are a photography course, jewelry making, psychodrama, counseling for young people and different individual and thematic workshops. You can find more details here.

Furthermore, informal groups and other interested parties can visit us and use our accommodation and seminar facilities.

Pupils, students, scientist and many others can find more than 1500 books and publications which are available in KULTOTEKA, the library of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.


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