New Online Job Market in BiH –

Online job markets are becoming more popular in the world. BiH is following the development of online business more intensively because of work capacities and young people’s abilities. The business web platform was created from a rational need for setting up a professional business system to help BiH in increasing the employment rate and setting up standards in the human resource area for market economies, primarily in the European Union and North America. team is made of experts in BiH with years of experience in working with the leading human resource and employment companies, such as: Monster, Hotjobs and Workopolis.


The mission of this work team is to transfer the knowledge and the experience from working with the leading world companies to  BiH and to make employees and companies partners in work through a professional service.

Web platform is intended for employers and candidates, as to all of those interested in the human resource area and its influence in the development of economy and society.


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