Learn, Think and Act! for Adults

What is Learn, Think and Act for Adults?

Learn, Think and Act for Adults is a non-formal education training intended for adults who work in formal education, directly with children and youth. This training program is an attempt to support teaching staff in high schools in their efforts to develop competencies necessary to successfully plan and implement learning and teaching processes based on experiential learning, use efficient and relevant teaching methods and strategies, and create a safe and stimulating environment where students will feel supported and motivated, and trained to engage in lifelong learning.

The Institute and its partners are organizing a 7-day training (56 hours). The training is intended to support persons working with youth and improve their skills and knowledge for improving the lives of youth in BiH. In addition to the training, the participants will also engage in practical work in their communities.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT has conducted certified youth leader trainings for 11 generations. The training is based on long-term non-formal education with youth, which allows us to monitor the development of individuals and groups alike. The training has been completed by around 300 youth from all parts of BiH, who are now part of a new generation of young people willing to act in their communities, help others, promote positive values and improve the society we live in. Some of them are successful politicians, decision makers, entrepreneurs, public personalities or public servants. Our years of experience in youth work showed us the immense benefits offered by non-formal education to individuals and their communities. Education is key for introducing changes that BiH needs. All those working in non-formal and formal education should join forces to educate children and youth in BiH, and help them see and achieve their full potential.

Who is eligible?  

The training program is intended primarily for high school teachers, but also school management, expert associates and advisors at institutes of pedagogy, who can support the professional growth of teaching staff.

Eligible applicants are persons living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a formal education in teaching, who are currently unemployed. All applicants must be willing to cooperate with local educational institutions, youth organizations and local youth officers. For a successful training, the participants must attend a minimum of 80% of the training. At the end of the training, all the participants who met their obligations will receive certificates.

When will the training be held?

Module 1, 16-21 October 2017, 

Module 2, 6-11 November 2017,

Module 3, 4-9 December 2017.

Two are 2-day modules and one is a 3-day module. The duration of the modules does not include the participants’ travel time.

The Institute reserves the right to change the dates of the modules, while informing the participants of any changes in due time.

What can I expect from the training?  

The program comprises three modules, and the first one is focused on exploring the ways participants learn basic skills concerning experiential learning.

The second module is an in-depth exploration od planning and implementing experiential learning, and allows participants to apply various strategies and methods that encourage critical thinking and problem solving. The third module is concerned with experiential learning in real-life situations in the community and beyond, with an emphasis on service learning.

After each module, participants will engage in activities that allow them to use what they learned so that they can analyse their experiences in the beginning of the next module and think about ways to apply it to different situations.

Interactive work, non-formal education methods and exchange of experiences will be integral parts of the training. In addition to the working sessions, the training will include content that will allow participants to socialize and exchange their personal and professional experiences. 

How do I apply?

Applications are filled out online at https://goo.gl/Kn4qNC.

The deadline for the application is September 20, 2017, by 5 pm. 

Applications sent after the deadline will not be taken under consideration. The names of selected participants will be published in the beginning of October 2017, on the Institute’s website – www.mladi.org. The selected participants will be sent a notification email to the address they provided in the application form. 

Who covers the expenses?

The Institute for Youth Development KULT will cover the accommodation, meals and transportation expenses during the training.

The testing and certification fee is 50 BAM and is paid before the beginning of the first module. The fee can be paid by the participant or an institution. The organizer will provide a receipt for the payment, and the participants will receive payment instructions in due time.

Where can I get more information?

You can email your questions to katarina.vuckovic@kultbih.org.

More information about the Institute for Youth Development KULT is available at www.mladi.org.

For those who have never cooperated with the Institute, we recommend our corporate video (https://goo.gl/vEn4ay).


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