Landslide in Kakanj Destroyed Their Homes – They Need Our Help

In the beginning of January, 2015 in Bare near Kakanj, a landslide killed one person, destroying three houses and leaving seven local families without a home.

That is why representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Youth Council of Kakanj, as part of the initiative “We must not stop!” visited the place where the tragedy occurred due to the landslide, resulting in a 50 meters deep precipice.

The slide is 500 meters wide, located on a landfill used by the mine in Kakanj. The people who made their home there now have nothing. That is why the Institute decided to visit them in their temporary shelters – nearby houses and abandoned barracks – and provide them with the help they so desperately need, said Mirela Ajanovi?, project coordinator at the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

The people from Bare near Kakanj are not holding out much hope of returning to their homes, because the landslide is still active. Through the Institute’s “We must not stop!” campaign, the locals received support in the form of food and hygiene supplies which is what they need most at the moment.  


These people are in dire need of help. Those who have lost their homes during winter need everything, from fuelwood and household goods to food. Our task is to help them and ask all kind people and organisations to do the same, added Ajanovi?. 

The activities aimed at helping and supporting the citizens affected by the landslide in Bare near Kakanj were supported by the company NGO Business and Audit from Sarajevo. 


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