KULT: Institutions in BiH and Political Parties do not Care Enough for Youth

A Warm Up event was organised to present the institutions’ integrity index platform www.shishaj.se at the Institute for Youth Development KULT in IlidĹľa.  

According to information on the platform made by the Institute for Youth Development KULT, each third municipality in BiH does not have a youth officer. From a total of 142 municipalities in BiH, only 69 of them provided information for 2012, and 73 for 2013 regarding the monitoring of youth policy, and only the Cantonal Ministry added “and youth” in their label, claiming authority.  


– This is the first time that the data are presented this way. The data may be searched under two categories. These are: Audit reports and youth policy – Belma Gijo from the Institute for Youth Development KULT explained the index platform.


To make it clear, we emphasize that an audit report was made for a 10 year period encompassing institutions at the state and entity level and that this is about the whole BiH story. At a time when the politicians fight for votes and speak of youth intensively, we wish to point out the case for youth thus far. The mere fact that the highest parties’ integrity index when it comes to youth policy 33, 7 out of 100 % speaks for itself, whereas most parties in BiH have a very low number of adopted youth policy strategies.  
– Youth policy and audit reports will have an effect on the general integrity of the institutions. The platform users will be able to choose whether to follow a certain institution through one or other category and will eventually have results on their integrity index – stated Gijo. 



It was emphasized that many institutions in BiH were not ready for collaboration to provide information regarding the monitoring of youth policy.

Gijo also emphasized that lately, a large number of political parties and authorities in BiH often speak of youth and unemployment, but no one does anything really to solve the problem.
– This is the reason we made the institutions’’ integrity index platform, to show that the institutions do not care enough for youth in BiH to the public – concluded Gijo. 



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