

Orange Day Tommorow at Children of Sarajevo Square – Let’s Dance Orange

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is commemorating Orange Day – the day of fighting violence over women and girls on February 25,...


First Steps towards Establishing Communication between Government and NGO Representatives in FBiH

The “REFORM AGENDA: Review of Action Plan and Priority Activities Progress in 2016” round table was held on February 17, 2016 at Bristol...


Promotion of BRANA Network Activities

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, as a member of the BRANA Network, promoted its activities during the weekend.  During their visit to...


Final Meeting of Sectoral Working Group for Preparing the Sectoral Planning Document for Employment with Education and Social Policy within IPA 2016-1017

After the first meeting of the Sectoral Working Group (SRG) for the employment sector with education and social policy as a part of...


19th Session of Committee on Finance and Budget of Parliamentary Assembly’s HoR of BiH

The Information on allocation and usage of the current budget reserve funds for the period January – June 2015 was acknowledged at the...


3-Day Strategic Planning for “Nautilus” Youth Association

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the support of the SOS Kinderdorf BiH as a partner, held a 3-day strategic planning for...


Institute for Youth Development KULT Supports FBiH Government Initiative for Subventions for Employment of Youth without Working Experience and Self-Employment

As a part of the “BH Business Site” initiative, the Institute for Youth Development KULT vehemently supports the initiative of FBiH Government for...


Youth Participants of “Between Diversity and Division” Meet in Berlin

Representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, together with partners from the Museum of History of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as...


PUBLIC CALL for Training of Youth Officers in FBiH

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, is issuing a public call for municipal, city and cantonal...