

Public Call – Training for Expert Associates on Youth Work

Are you working for or are a long-term volunteer in a youth organization, youth center, youth club, or you implement projects for youth...


Improving Position of Youth a Priority for Organisations in BiH

At the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT a meeting called “Partnership for Youth” was held for representatives of organisations dealing...


Improving Human Rights in the BiH Business Sector

Improving human rights in the business sector was the topic of the meeting held between representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT...


Jajce: Six New Businesses

The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Municipality Jajce, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in BiH,...


PRO-Future Small Grants: Public Call Results Published

We are pleased to inform you that 54 PROJECT PROPOSALS HAVE BEEN APPROVED and will be implemented soon. Youth, informal groups, associations of...


Novi Travnik – Youth Launch Businesses

The funds from the Entrepreneurial Fund for Youth, provided by the Municipality of Novi Travnik and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, with...


Cazin: Support for Youth-Owned Businesses

The Entrepreneurial Fund for Youth awarded funds for launching businesses owned by four young people. Grant agreements were signed, and this type of...


Hagelberg, Izetbegović and Kavgić Guests at UMiDp Training

The 22 participants of the training Learn, Think and Act for Young Political Leaders learned about advocacy, youth laws in BiH, crafting political...


Developing Enterprises in BiH – Continuing and Accelerating Reforms

The conference “Developing Enterprises in BiH – Continuing and Accelerating Reforms” was held on April 4, 2019 at the EU Infor Center in...