Invitation to Attend IUVENTA Magazine Launch Ceremony

Increasing changes concerning the needs among young people and the state of being overwhelmed experienced by those who take care of youth have prompted the Institute for Youth Development KULT to enhance its current supply of publications with up-to-date topics and materials in the form of a magazine. The magazine IUVENTA sees youth officers, youth workers, youth leaders and other stakeholders engaged in youth work and youth activities as its devoted readers. IUVENTA dedicated its first issue to volunteering as a highly desirable phenomenon on the social scale of values.

The promotion of the magazine will take place on 13 September, at the Cafe-bar MASH (UPI skyscraper located next to the National Theater in Sarajevo), at 1pm.

Please confirm your presence by sending an email to or by making a call at 033 637290, most lately by 10 September.



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