Institute for Youth Development KULT – Increase Budget Funds Allocated for Youth Projects

The representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT Nejra Neimarlija Roi? and Amila Dedi? are to participate in the workshop on the topic of public supply that is being realised as a part of the project Open Public Supply in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Even though they comprise nearly a quarter of the total population in BiH, the youth are a category of population for whom the least funds are allocated from the budget. The amount of money is decreasing year after year. It is being spent not-transparently and for all purpose, and a part of it is spent on public supply. “By participating in the initiative we wish to increase the budget funds that are intended for the youth and spend them rationally and purposefully. We aim for the projects, that are funded from the budget, to truly contribute to the quality of life for the youth in BiH” – stated the representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT Amila Dedi?.

Amongst other topics, the three-day workshop focused on the monitoring of the public supply process, the new Law on Public Supply in BiH and on the practical facts that relate to fighting against public supply corruption from the perspective of the Agency for Public Supplying, which are important facts for non-governmental organisations and the media. There is a particulary interesting part that relates to youth in the legal resolution on public supply and it mentions preferential treatment and reserved contracts that are intended exclusively for persons with disabilities, claim the representatives of the institute. “Taking into consideration that most laws place women and other threatened categories of populace, that involves the youth for many years now, in the same category, the changes and improvements of the legislative can aim at involving the youth in these parts as well” – stated the representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

The project is being jointly implemented by the Centre for Research Journalism (Centar za istraĹľiva?ko novinarstvo, CIN), Centre for Representing Citizens’ Interests (CPI Foundation) and the Social Research Centre “Analitika“. The main goal of the project is to contribute to fighting against corruption by strengthening the public supply process in BiH through active participation of the private and civil society sector.


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