Institute: Consider Birth Control Methods To Preserve Your Health

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, Sarajevo City Government, Canton Sarajevo Institute for Public Health and Partnership for Health Association will mark the World Contraception Day with various activities and the aim is to raise awareness on contraception and education in sexual and reproductive health.    

Deputy Major of Sarajevo, Ranko ?ovi?, stated that the day is marked under the motto “Your Life, Your Future” and is directed towards the empowerment of youth to think ahead in preventing unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. 

The safest way to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases is abstinence, that is, not engaging in intercourse at all. On the other hand, if you are sexually active, experts recommend considering methods of contraception and protection form STDs in order to preserve your and your partner’s health. Never engage in intercourse without protection! This is why education, media information and regular contact with parents are important. We would thus decrease the number of unplanned pregnancies and their effects, stated Sunita Koristovi? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT.


Among the activities planned to mark the WCD, Haris Karabegovi? from the Partnership Association put an emphasis to the round table scheduled for September 26 in IlidĹľa. 

This meeting will be held by the Partnership for Health in collaboration with associates, and will gather civil society, educational institutions, and state and health institutions.

Director of the CS Public Health Institution, Seniha ?elik stated that birth control is the most efficient way to prevent unplanned pregnancy and STDs, and its use is significant in family planning, avoiding miscarriage risk and preservation of reproductive health.  

WHO data show that over 41% pregnancies in a year are unplanned and that it is a global issue associated with significant expenditures in health and social care as well as in emotional stress in women, their families and the society.

About 22% pregnancies are purposely terminated and one third of abortions are illegal. BiH does not have the accurate data, but research studies show that every third woman in BiH had had at least one abortion.  

The world Contraception Day is marked on September 26 to promote healthy lifestyle and to raise awareness in youth on general health and reproductive health in particular. 


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