
This Project incorporates three parts:

Info-Point for Youth, peer education and an interactive method Let’s Sail Together!

Info-Point for Youth was officially opened on 30 September 2010, as part of the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA in Ilidza. It provides young people with plenty of information (about sexual-reproductive health, including scholarships, volunteering, i.e. the topics they find appealing) in an accessible, and most importantly, in a creative manner. A special Question Box has been made available as part of the Info-Point. It has been conceived as a way of submitting and asking anonymous questions to which the peer educators will provide the answers with the assistance of the professional stuff employed at the Community Health Centre Ilidza. The corresponding answers will be posted in a visible place at the Info-Point, so that all those who have showed some interest, as well as young people who have not had enough courage to ask questions, will obtain some information. An important part of the Info-Point is the advisory role of peer educators who will be available for any questions or talk twice a week.


Peer education consists of training courses that are delivered at secondary schools in Ilidža Municipality (The Fourth Gymnasium and Graphic Design Technical High School). Moreover, a considerably longer and a more extensive workshop is delivered once a month for those notably interested in becoming peer educators. Topics that will be presented for discussion include sexual and reproductive health, contraceptive methods, puberty, etc.

Interactive method Let’s Sail Together! is probably the most interesting part of this Project. It is a method as part of which a large number of participants can be served in short time. According to this concept, the participants, divided into five groups, visit five stations with different topics so that all groups visit each station individually.

German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) is implementing youth health projects in collaboration with the local level authorities (Ilidza Municipality), community health centres (Community Health Centre Ilidža) and local associations (KULT).

KULT’s representatives, Darko Soldat and Igor Roić, are the members of the Advisory Committee UNFPA (Youth Advisory Panel). The main task of the Advisory Committee is to make proposals, provide counselling services and advocate at the state level in areas where UNFPA operates. Furthermore, the Advisory Committee aims to raise awareness of the importance of education in the field of sexual and reproductive health of young people in BiH, sex/gender equality and population strategy development, as well as introduction of sexual and reproductive health education in schools.

You can watch the promotional vide clip about the Info-Point here.


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