Ferguson: Youth Are the Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina

“Don’t lose hope. Get involved in social trends, you bear the future of this country. Make changes, be leaders.” This was the message addressed to youth during the “Coffee Time with…” session by Mr. Edward Ferguson, the British Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Over 30 young people spoke with Mr. Edward Ferguson, the British Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA. “Coffee Time with…” was held as a part of the Ambassador’s visit to the Institute for Youth Development KULT. The Ambassador talked about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, about the social and economic state, with particular emphasis on youth in the country, their rights and opportunities. He discussed the importance of bringing Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to the European Union. “When young people grow up divided by differences, divided by nationality, they grow up in ignorance and are consequently subject to manipulation. This is why the road of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU is very important. In the EU, everyone are citizens who, regardless of their differences, exercise all rights” – stated Edward Ferguson, the British Ambassador in our country.

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At SPAJALICA, youth agreed that they are slowly giving up hope in a better future of this country. They emphasized that unemployment is vast, that the country has many problems in the health and educational system. The Ambassador agreed that certain changes are necessary, and underlined that only the people of this country, especially youth, can make them. “What the Institute for Youth Development KULT is doing – bringing youth closer and strengthening them – is extremely important. It is clear that people in this country want changes, but it seems that they do not know how to make them. Primarily, people have to start voting in elections” – concluded Ferguson. 

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