Extended Capacities: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at SPAJALICA

Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA keep pursuing their efforts and taking care of young people, which is evident from today’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony organised to celebrate the opening of the renovated rooms at the Centre. Namely, the renovated basement rooms have been opened at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA where young people will have the opportunity to fully conduct their activities together with the volunteers, as well as to spend their free time doing meaningful things. This ceremony was attended by the employees of KULT, most active volunteers and the Mayor of IlidĹľa Municipality, Mr. Senaid Memi?. The opening ceremony presents new opportunities for young people in our society but also the improvement of SPAJALICA’s capacities which acts as an ally to young people in creating better and brighter future prospects. SPAJALICA is located at ul. Banjska 2 and it is waiting for you to spend your free time wile having as much fun as you can.


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