Do You Give Up After the First Failure?

Do you give up after the first failure? Or are you the type of person who see failure and rejection as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, to become better, if you care about what you’re trying to do?

This question was posed to students of the QSI International School of Sarajevo during Career Day, by one of their lecturer, Mirela Geko from the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

Mirela talked to students about youth activism and youth work, volunteering, change that young people can bring about, and about her personal experience with civic activism, which she has been doing for years.

“I never stopped believing that youth can make a difference. It was never a chore for me, it was something I wanted to do. I never had a problem with spending an entire day volunteering, cleaning the park, going to schools, getting young people together so that we can do something good. I enjoyed every moment I spent surrounded by young people who worked with me to make a difference, even if it was something that only we and the people closest to us would notice”, said Mirela to these young people.

The topics discussed also included the Youth Law of FBiH, the Law on Volunteering of FBiH, youth policies, and youth capacity building.

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