Dialogue on Strengthening Youth Sector in FBiH

The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports under the sponsorship of the “Dialogue for the Future” project that is jointly implemented by the UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO and with professional and technical support of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, is organizing a 2-day conference on topic “Dialogue on Strengthening the Youth Sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)”.

The conference will be attended by representatives of the executive and legislative government; youth officers from the municipalities and cantons in FBiH, representatives of the Youth Council of FBiH and youth from all over Federation of BiH.

The conference is being organized in order to emphasize the significance of coordinated, updated, efficient and implementable youth policies and mechanisms of their realization at all governmental levels, which create a beneficial surrounding for youth participation in social, economic and scientific life in their communities.

 â€śThis conference is important for a better implementation of the existing Youth Law of FBiH that was enacted in 2010 and it stipulates that at a local level of authority functions of youth workers are established. What is important is the coordination of work of youth officers and their mutual introduction which will influence the increase in cooperation of youth from different backgrounds in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and increase youth influence on decision-making”, stated Namik HadĹľali?, the Project Coordinator of UN Dialogue for the Future.

This will be the year of changes that will signify improvement in youth position in the Federation of BiH, as was stated from the Institute for Youth Development KULT. “The First Youth Strategy in FBiH should be adopted in 2016. We expect many cantons and municipalities to develop strategic documents and local youth strategies. That is why this conference is of exceptional importance. The persons who work with youth at all levels in the Federation will have the opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss their experiences, but also hear about the examples of good practice that might be applicable in their local communities. All that will lead to a more quality application of the Youth Law of FBiH that was enacted thanks to the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT” – stated Dijana Olov?i? from the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

For the purpose of the best possible implementation of Youth Law of FBiH, the conference will, through examples of good practice from BiH and the region, and introduction with the existing mechanisms for youth issues, provide adequate training to youth officers but also to the NGO sector in implementation of law provisions and necessary manners of reporting.

The final goal of the conference is to encourage the youth officers and youth from all over the Federation of BiH to initiate a more efficient mutual cooperation within the governmental bodies as well as with the representatives of the non-governmental youth bodies and individual activists.

Based on the joint initiative of the Presidency of BiH and the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), as well as a recognized requirement for creating a space for dialogue and promotion of coexistence in BiH, the UN team in BiH headed by the resident UN Coordinator and cooperation with the Presidency of BiH developed a project entitled “Dialogue for the Future: promoting Coexistence and Diversity in BiH”, jointly implemented by UNESCO, UNICEF and UNDP.


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