Communication between Youth Officers Has to Be Improved

The “Dialogue for Strengthening the Youth Sector in FBiH” conference has been realized for the past two days in Sarajevo. The conference was organized by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports under the sponsorship of the “Dialogue for the Future” project jointly implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, with the expert and technical support of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

The conference was attended by representatives of executive and legislative government; youth officers from all over the Federation, representatives of Youth Council of FBiH and youth from all over FBiH.

The conference participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and hear about the examples of good practice from the neighboring Croatia that they can definitely apply in their future work. 

During the conference the participants made the following conclusions:

  1. The systematization of occupation of municipal and cantonal youth officers has to be improved,
  2. The communication between youth officers has to be improved, but also the communication between them and the youth sector at the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports,
  3. The role of youth officers has to be presented on field to youth through extracurricular activities already in the graduate classes of primary schools and junior classes of high schools,
  4. It is important to strengthen the mechanisms for implementation of Youth Law from the municipal to federal level.

Detailed conclusions will be published and delivered to the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, to participants and other interested groups and individuals.

Based on the joint initiative of the Presidency of BiH and the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), as well as the acnowledged need to create space for dialogue and promotion of coexistence in BiH, the UN team in BiH under the guidance of the Resident Coordinator of the UN and in cooperation with the Presidency of BiH developed the project entitled “Dialogue for the Future: Promoting Coexistence and Diversity in BiH”, jointly implemented by UNESCO, UNICEF and UNDP. 

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