Coffee Time with Almir Badnjevi? on April 28

Almir Badnjevi? will be the guest of the monthly session of Coffee Time With… on April 28 and he is soon to be the only PhD of biomedical engineering in BiH. Almir earned his MA on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo in 2010. After earning his MA, he started working in the area of medical electronics and medical equipment, and partly of biomedical engineering. He is currently the director of  the State Laboratory for Verifying Medical Equipment in BiH. Almir also works as an assistant for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, and as a lecturer at the International Burch University. Besides that, he is the executive director of the Society for Medical and Biological Engineering in BiH. He is the author of 20 research papers.

His motto is “work, order and discipline”. To the youth who are just about to enter into the business world, the successful young businessman says that they have to work, work and work and perfect themselves, but, first and foremost, be human.

Come visit the Educational-Leisure Centre SPAJALICA in IlidĹľa on April 28 at 5:15 pm for an excellent discussion that will surely inspire you.


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