Coffee Time with Running School: “Running is a Lifestyle”

In less than two months, on 20 September 2015, at 9 am in front of BBI Centre in Sarajevo, Sarajevo Half-Marathon will start for the ninth time. The organisers say that they expect at least 1500 runners this year. Some of them have been preparing at the Running School “Klix” for the first marathon in their lives. The trainers and attendants of the Running School “Klix” talked about the preparations- physical, but also mental ones, about the humanitarian character of the race and their expectations.

“All attendants of the Running School so far have passed the finish line of the Sarajevo Half-Marathon” – stated Erol Mujanovi?, the Director of the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo. He also adds that it is the evidence that a person can accomplish almost anything through hard work and effort. 

Sarajevo Half-Marathon has become one of the most famous athletic events in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last 9 years. Last year, over 1200 runners from 32 countries participated in the half-marathon. “This year we expect even more participants” – they emphasize from the Association. They add that this year the half-marathon will have a great humanitarian character. “In collaboration with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, we organised a humanitarian action “Run for a Cause, towards a Cause!” that aims to gather funds for supporting youth projects that were selected at the Institute for Youth Development KULT – the School of Friendship and the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA” – emphasized Erol Mujanovi?, the Director of the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo.

The guests of the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA were interested in how they could participate in the humanitarian action and support youth projects. They also asked about the organisation of this athletic event.

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In the end of our session, the NGO “Marathon” Sarajevo thanked to all the attendants of the Running School, since, as they claim, they helped them fulfil their goal. Which is, they add, to see more BiH citizens take up running.

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