City of Konjic One Step Closer to Having a Youth Strategy


The City of Konjic held the first meeting of its coordinating body and working groups in the hall of the Konjic City Council. This meeting was the next step in the process of developing a strategic document for youth for this local unit of self-government.

In addition to the members of the coordination body, the meeting included working group members, representatives from the Youth Council, youth organizations, and other young people interested in contributing to the development of Konjic’s first strategic document for young people. Representatives from the City of Konjic, other institutions, and non-governmental organizations from Konjic were also involved in drafting the youth strategy.

The coordinating body and working groups were instructed on how to conduct the entire youth strategy development process. They were told about the upcoming activities and tasks they will need to complete in order to develop a high-quality youth strategy.

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The Youth Strategy 2023-2027 is the first strategic document for young people developed by the City of Konjic. The Institute for Youth Development KULT will collaborate closely with the Department for Economic, Financial, and Social Affairs to monitor progress and support the coordination body and working groups in developing the youth strategy.

This work was preceded by a survey of the position and needs of young people in the city of Konjic, which was carried out in 2022 and used to analyze the issues young people in Konjic are facing.

The youth strategy is a document developed by government institutions outlining programs that address the problems and needs of young people. It provides strategic directions, sets objectives, and specifies measures to achieve these objectives.

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