Be the Change You Want to See – Change. You Can

AISEC, as the greatest student organisation in the world, that is trying to influence the society positively and enable youth development, today, on Friday the 13th, in front of the BBI Centre, from 10 am to 5 pm, held one of its greatest projects entitled Career days – “Change. You can.” Developing the contants between students and labor market, that aims to decrease youth unemployment as well as to increase their activities are the primary goal of the project.

The companies had an opportunity to introduce themselves with students of different educational background and with the possibilities of satisfying their staff requirements in the future, their potential scholars and future volunteers. On the other hand, students were given an opportunity to introduce themselves with the business site in BiH, receive information on adequate scholarships, on gaining volunteering experience and information on possible employment.

Institute KULT offered a helping hand for the project this year as well. The volunteers of the Institute KULT have introduced the interested students with the work of the Institute, transferred their volunteering experiences and pointed to the significance of performing socially benefitial activities in volunteer organisations.

Besides the event in front of the BBI, the students had an opportunity to attend educational workshops at Cinema City. Some of the topics of the workshops were: how to get ready for an interview, how to write a good CV and the significance of volunteering while attending faculty.

Youth were particularly interested in stands of certain countries that welcome students as trainees.


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