Almir Muka?a: “After Years of Hard Work, Success Comes Overnight”

Guest of the Monday night “Coffee with…” session at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA was Almir Muka?a, a man who has many priorities, projects and visions but calls himself simply a farmer. However, Almir is different in that he and his team are focused on the organic production of locally grown vegetables.

Almir talked about a healthy diet, organic production and projects he is managing with great success, such as “” and “Zelenara”.

          Moja porodica se oduvijek bavila organskom proizvodnjom povr?a, me?utim mi nismo znali da se to tako zove, jer se taj pojam u Fojnici, kraju iz kojeg ja dolazim nije baš previše koristio. Nikada nismo koristili pesticide i hemijska gnojiva pri uzgoju našeg povr?a jer smo proizvodili isklju?ivo za vlastite potrebe i Ĺľeljeli smo da jedemo zdravu hranu. Ideja za pokretanje došla je jednog petka kada sam shvatio da trebam prodavati organski krompir koji bih dostavljao na adresu i to prvenstveno prijateljima u Sarajevo. Shvatili smo da sve to trebamo upakovati i baš tada se rodila ideja za „Zelenaru“ tj. kutiju punu povr?a, istakao je Almir tokom svog gostovanja u SPAJALICI

The youth business was promoted via social networks, because the creators realised that it is the cheapest and fastest way to reach their target groups. The first delivery showed that they were right and that people were interested in having their final product – Zelenjara – delivered regularly to their home.

– Women order our vegetables. We deliver up to three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, at a time convenient for the customer, and one delivery of vegetables contains an amount sufficient for a 4-member family for a week. Our vegetables are healthy and grown locally. I want people to understand how important healthy food is, and that we are not only selling them vegetables, but a basket, i.e. zelenjara of health. Of course, the entire concept is the result of very hard work and individual efforts, and I dare say that we have now succeeded, but only after years of hard work resulted in a seemingly overnight success, said Muka?a at SPAJALICA.


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