INFO-POINT for Youth

Info-Point for Youth started working at SPAJALICA on 30 September at 12 PM. 
The opening ceremony was attended by: the President of SOS Kinderdorf, the Info-Point Coordinator at the SOS, Aida Lušni?ki? and Amra Boji?i? as representatives of the Municipality of IlidĹľa, representatives of several elementary and high schools from IlidĹľa and the President of the Association KULT Jasmin Beši?.  
Info-Point is a part of the GIZ health project, where peer educators provide information for their peers.  
The biggest section of the information relates to sexual and reproductive health, with plenty of brochures, fliers, CDs and contraception that youth are given free-of-charge. 
Included in the Info-Point is the computer with numerous information relating to the presented topics that are reusable and printed free-of-charge. 


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