Public Hearings of Companies in FBiH Audited for 2012

In May 2014, the Parliament of FBiH’s Parliamentary Committee responsible for audit organized a public hearing of companies audited for the 2012 accounting year. During two days, at the 41st and 42nd session of the Parliamentary Committee responsible for audit, hearings were held for nine users of budgetary funds of FBiH. 

Present during the session, in addition to Committee members comprising delegates of the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the FBiH, were representatives of audited companies, institutes and agencies, and guests, including members of the media, representatives of the non-governmental sector and the project Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes in BiH (SGIP) and a representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

Discussions were held on the following audited public companies, institutes and agencies:

$1·       J.P. Autoceste Federacije BiH d.o.o. Mostar,

$1·       J.P. BH-GAS d.o.o. Sarajevo,

$1·       J.P. Hrvatska pošta d.o.o. Mostar,

$1·       Agency of Privatisation in FBiH,

$1·       Federal Pension and Disability Insurance Institute,

$1·       J.P. BH pošta d.o.o. Sarajevo,

$1·       J.P. Ceste Federacije BiH d.o.o. Sarajevo,

$1·       J.P. International Airport “Sarajevo” d.o.o. Sarajevo,

$1·       J.P. Olimpic turs d.o.o. Sarajevo,

$1·       Federal Employment agency,

$1·       Health Insurance and Reinsurance Institute of FBiH.


The Audit Office for the Institutions of the Federation BiH gave qualified opinions in eight out of nine presented audit reports, and the public company Olimpic turs d.o.o. was given an adverse opinion.   

Representatives of the Audit Office for the Institutions of the Federation BiH, gave a short presentation on the auditors’ opinions, individually for each audited company, institute of agency, stating the qualifications provided in the qualified opinions and adverse opinions, and matters which according to qualified opinions require additional attention. All the audit reports are available on the official website of the Audit Office for the Institutions of the Federation BiH.

During the session, important debates arose among representatives of the non-governmental sector, representatives of audited institutions, Committee members and auditors of the Audit Office for the Institutions of the Federation BiH, and with the longest discussions focusing on the International Airport Sarajevo d.o.o, Agency for privatization FBiH and Autoceste FBiH. One of the shortfalls, which the Committee will attempt to remedy, was the lack or relevant representatives of some of the audited institutions, such as top level managers in companies, institutes or agencies.

Upon concluding the public hearings, the Parliamentary Committee started defining problems and formulating conclusions, which, in accordance with the competences defined by laws and regulations, are sent to the judicial organs as the branch of government responsible for further action regarding the conclusions. 

Reports on the audits of financial reports of public institutions in FBiH for 2013 will be available to the public from June 2014.


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