Youth From Sarajevo Canton and City of Isto?no Sarajevo Learn About Youth Policies

Youth from Sarajevo Canton and the City of Isto?no Sarajevo are learning together, exchanging experiences and building friendships during the second module of the “Learn, Think and Act!” training.

The participants will learn to use the legal regulations pertaining to youth issues in BiH when accessing their rights in the community. They will learn how to get involved in the decision-making process on issues concerning youth, and learn to recognise elements of good/bad youth policies in their local administration, so they can act accordingly. After completing the workshop, they will be able to recognise youth problems and needs, and identify steps for developing a youth strategy/policy that will be conducive to improving the position of youth.

Knowledge about youth policies includes understanding the basic terminology used in youth work, such as: youth policy, youth strategy, youth policy mechanisms, youth councils…

It also entails understanding the importance of implementable institutional mechanisms for youth organising and youth care, and the awareness of their importance for youth.

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The training is organised by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in partnership with the Association Nautilus and the youth program of SOS Children’s Villages – YES Center. The goal of this module is introducing participants to the training, allowing them to get to know each other and to grow as individuals.

UMiD training allows youth to become active leaders in their local community, help solve youth issues, meet new friends, learn new skills, socialise and work on themselves.

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During the training, the participants will work on creating a concrete activity aimed at solving a problem in their local community. YES Center will support their activities financially and with the necessary guidance.


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