Youth Workers – Youth Deserve More

Seventeen attendants of the Expert Associate on Youth Work Training were awarded with certificates for having successfully completed the Training today, at the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

The youth workers could not hide their joy. Dejan Ra?en from Br?ko says that he is very motivated by the Expert Associate on Youth Work Training. “I wish to dedicate myself to youth and working with youth in Br?ko. I am certain that this knowledge will help my own progress in this sector. Thanks to activism, through this Training, I have also been awarded with the volunteer of the year title in my organisation” – added Ra?en. 

Expert Associates on Youth Work are persons who help youth in the process of their development. On the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, the occupation of the Expert Associate on Youth Work was included in the classification of occupations of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The training consists of 5 modules and 26 youth from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the training. 

The certificates on having successfully completed the Training were awarded by Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. He also congratulated the youth workers and appraised all the training attendants. “I hope that the knowledge and skills you acquired here will indeed be of use in your future work. It is my pleasure to see motivated youth who strive to contribute to devlopment of their organisations through continuous work” – added Beši?. 

The Training consisted of 5 modules, after which the attendants took their final exam. This Expert Associate on Youth Work Training is second in line organised by the Institute for Youth Development KULT, emphasized Katarina Vu?kovi? from the Institutte for Youth Development KULT. “The aim is to create a cadre that will be able to work professionally with youth, since the society does not pay enough attention to them. During the Training, the attendants were first introduced with the legal solutions that regulate this area, but also with the basic criteria every local community should fulfil to prove that it takes care of youth. Youth problems in local communities are indeed great. Still, they can be resolved and we are here to teach the attendants how” – said Vu?kovi?.  

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