First Generation Youth Worker Training Course Completed

From 23 March to 26 March 2015, in the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA the 5th module of youth worker training course with 25 participants from 8 local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held.

The topics of the 5th module were organisational skills and working with youth.

As a part of the topic organisational skills, the trainees learned about planning, how to plan activities or a smaller project, what the planning was for, what were the stages in conducting a project and what was considered a good and successful project. Also, the trainer clarified the notions of monitoring and evaluation and their purpose. The trainees acknowledged the types of evaluation and when it is conducted. The trainer emphasized the significance of evaluation and answered the questions why it was done and what the evaluation standards are.

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The trainer familiarised the trainees with the notion of monitoring and explained to what purposes the monitoring results can be used. In the workshops the notion of a report was defined. The importance of writing a report was emphasized, the addressee of the report as well, its purpose and structure.

As a part of the topic working with youth the trainer familiarised the trainees with the youth strategy and emphasized the significance of participation in drafting the document. The trainees learned the difference between youth policy and youth strategy and had the opportunity to learn about the most important elements of youth strategy, primarely by drafting an plan of action according to the areas of action. 

As a part of the topic working with youth the trainees also worked on the topic of investigative-advocacy work. The workshops defined what advocacy work was, the elements of public advocacy and the grounds and messages of public advocacy.

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The fifth module of the course ended the training of youth workers. The training that lasted from September 2014 to the end of March 2015 capacitated 25 trainees to organise their youth work activities in the best manner, to improve their communication and organisational skills and but also for practical knowledge on writing business plans. After the training, certificates and verifications for participation were awarded. 

Take a look at the profiles of the new youth workers.


Take a look at the profiles of the new youth officers.



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