Federal Youth Council Established with Mate Lon?ar from West Herzegovina Canton as President

The Federal Youth Council was established today in Sarajevo. The statute was adopted along with the managment. Mate Lon?ar was elected as President and Mensur Seferovi? was appointed as President of the Assembly. Mirela Geko was appointed as the Secretry of the Federal Youth Council. 

Mate Lon?ar, the newly elected President of the Federal Youth Council, stated that he is very pleased that an umbrella youth body was finally established in this BiH entity. “We will work in the best possible manner and try hard, and I am certain that our efforts will not be for nothing. We wish to cooperate with the govenmental institutions and communicate with youth. We will invest our efforts and it will defintely be worth it” – stated Lon?er in his address. 

The primary responsibility of the Federal Youth Council will be to act on the strengthening of youth inclusion in the social life of the community and informing youth. The Council will be directly involved in the processes of implementing youth strategy with the aim of contributing tp adopting and implementing youth policy and youth action programmes that correspond in the best manner to youth requirements and issues. The establishment of the Federal Youth Council as the representative body of all youth is provided in the Youth Law of FBiH that was adopted in 2010 on the initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT stated that youth have demonstrated that through hard work they can reach their aspiring goals. “They demonstated that they are strong enough to be a reliable partner of the authorities in implementing the urgent reforms that will discourage youth from the idea that there is no perspective future here. Through inclusion in all governmental bodies and all governmental programmes concerning youth, the Youth Council of FBiH will become a recognisable partner in decision-making, by advocating solutions that will alleviate youth problems it will present itself as a fighter for youth rights, and though its horizontal and vertical hierarchy it will reach every young person in every local communty” – concluded Beši?.  

The founding assembly was attended, among others, by Zora Dujmovi?, the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports. She thanked youth for the invitation to, as she stated, the ceremony of establishing the Federal Youth Council, and congratulated on the establishment. “It is a pleasure for me to be present here today. Thank you for inviting me and I would like to express my particular gratitude to all those who contributed in reaching this goal. The Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports focuses on the youth issues and it s a fact that we will do plenty in strengthening the youth sector. We will work on the welfare of youth in the sense that our support will not fail in the areas of particular importance for youth” – emphasized Zora Dujmovi?, the Federal Minister of Culture and Sports, in her address. 

The attendants were also addressed by Vladimir Pandurevi? from the EU Delegation in BiH. He reflected on youth leaving Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasized that everyone have to work together to improve the youth position in our country. “There are many ways in which we can improve the position of that population, and the European Union advocates to establish a system that would enable youth to reach their potentials” – stated Pandurevi?. 

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