Awarding Budget Incentives in BiH Economy

As a part of the initiative “BH Business Site”, the Institute for Youth Development KULT began a research on distributing budget incentives for developing the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovine. The aim is to analyse the state in the area of financial support to the economy by the governmental institutions and to create indicators for intended support for the perspective branches of the economy.

The research relates to the budget support for the economy that were provided by the governmental institutions at all levels in 2013 and 2014 in form of irreversable (grant) and reversable (credit) assets. A survey on incentives for economic development was delivered in the end of April of the current year to addresses of more than 250 (two hundred and fifty) governmental institutions in BiH: to all the municipalities in BiH, all cantonal, entity nad states ministries that have economy in their jurisdiction, to employment services, banks for development, certain agencies, etc. 

The survey contains questions about the annual institutional budget and the amount of planned and imployed assets to support the economy, the form of support, economic sectors for which the assets were intended and the manner of their distribution. The issues are primarely related to assigning assets to the private (economic) sector, but data on the total assignments were also requested for the public economic sector (public firms and firms with states capital participation), with the aim of comparing assignments. In the final part of the Survey there was an open possibility of delivering the proposition of improvement in the area and exchanging experiences of good practice amongst the institutions.

The results of the research will be used as one of the sources for developing the analysis of states in the area of distributing the budget incitements to perspective economic branches in BiH. The analysis of states, with identified perspective branches of economy, will serve as a platform for creating precise indicators for improving processes for all the institutions that financially incite and stimulate the economic development.

“BH Business Site” is an initiative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, started with the aim of contributing to resolving the system issues in the emloyment sector, with involving the wider number of actors from the business, public and civil sector, as well as the media, joined in an active, functional and regionally represented Network. The intention is to use ground and directed legislative-advocating activities to create a better business environment, along with using significantly improved and budgetary strengthened support programmes for small and medium enterpreneurships, managing distribution of different budget incitements for the economy and introducing legal notes in charging benefits for the newly employed. 

„“BH Business Site“ initiative is conducted as a part of the Project for Sustainability of the civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CSSP), that is realised by the Centres for Civil Initiatives (CCI) and the Centre for Promoting Civil Society (CPCD), supported by the American Agency for International Development (USAID) and Government of Great Britain.“


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