Princess Krofne Girls Open 10th Youth Day

Girls of Princess Krofne children’s choir opened the 10th jubilee IlidĹľa Municipality Youth Day with their song.

Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA, established by the Institute for Youth Development KULT is echoing today with sounds of children’s laughter and play. The youngsters are enjoying various activities. They participated in numerous sports activities through Games without Borders, a smiling clown is entertaining them with baloon animals and the youngest, attendees of the School of Friendship, enjoy in drawing and games for children. 

“We are happy that SPAJALICA is a gathering site for children and youth of IlidĹľa Municipality, but also from all of Sarajevo. Volunteers of the Institute for Youth Developemnt KULT really made an effort to keep this day in youth memory for a very long time. Smiling faces of attendees are the best confirmation that their mission was successful” – stated Abela Purivatra, PR Associate of the Institute for Youth Development KULT. 

Emina Jusupovi?, a volunteer of the Institute for Youth Development KULT is announcing plenty of more fun. “There will be a soccer tournament in the afternoon, and tonight we will enjoy in a DJ party” – she adds.  

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Youth Day included the children’s programme and the NGO Fair but also the youth soccer tournament. The entire manifestation is being organised by the volunteers of the Institute for Youth Development KULT with the support from IlidĹľa Municipality.   

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