Psychodrama and Seeking a Job Workshps at SPAJALICA

Psychodrama workshops have been delivered as part of the implementation of the recommendations towards social inclusion of young people in IlidĹľa, which are an integral part of the project Equal opportunities for all young people! The four topics covered during the workshops were: a new chapter of life, positive thinking and holding presentations in public, self- confidence and reduction of anxiety, as well as creativity. The objective of the workshops was to strengthen one’s own capacities in order to improve personal and professional lives facing no barriers. Young people have shown a great deal of interest in this type of work and have clearly expressed their desire to attend similar workshops in the future. The psychodrama workshops were held from 5 to 27 July 2012, at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.

A workshop entitled Seeking a job was delivered on 4 and 5 August 2012 as part of the implementation of the recommendations. Young people learned about writing CVs and letters of motivation, entrepreneurial initiatives, and they also were engaged in conducting simulation interviews. The participants had the opportunity to acquire new skills and improve those they have already adopted. They were provided with information referring to occupations, skills and features most desired in the labour market. One of the activities was the English Language Course that ends on 8 August 2012 when the participants will be awarded the corresponding certificates.


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