Beši?: BiH Youth Must Understand What Corruption Is and What It Brings

In the time that awaits for BiH it is important to start conducting concrete reforms in order to create new workplaces and ensure an efficient and effective country that would fulfil the requirements of citizens. This is the message from the conference entitled “Focusing on Reforms: 2020 Vision of BiH” that was organised in Jahorina by the America-Bosnia Foundation (ABF)and The Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns-Hopkins University of Washington, in cooperation with the American Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mak Kamenica, the Executive Director of the America-Bosnia Foundation in BiH, stated that the aim of the conference is to continue the discussion on reformation processes that await our country. “We wish to be a part of the new story that strengthens BiH and the prosperity of all its citizens and change the trend of youth leaving our country into the trend of developing the economy, private entrepreneurship and a society based on the rule of rights”, emphasized Kamenica. He stated that the reformation processes require concrete measures and laws to be implemented. Without an independent and transparent justice system, he says, it is difficult to attract significant investments. It is necessary, adds Kamenica, to destroy corruption and create a quality rule of rights.

Jasmin Beši?, the Executive Director of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, participated at the conference as a panellist on the topic “Corruption and Reform of the Justice System in BiH”. He believes that the citizens of BiH, primarily youth, need to understand what corruption is and the consequences it has on the society. 

“Only when we all become aware of the definition of corruption and what it brings, should the justice system convince us that it is truly working on fighting against corruption and organised crime. Citizens expect for the justice system to be more efficient by resolving the cases of lesser value such as communal tax appeals and simple civic disputes through methods such as mediation, which has existed as a legal option since 2004” – emphasized Beši?. 


Maureen Cormack, the U.S. Ambassador to BiH states that during the commemoration of 20 years of Dayton, Bill Clinton, the former President of the USA, also spoke about the necessity of BiH to end the process of creating a prosperity and functional country. “It is time to find a joint vision and improve the governmental efficiency, to reduce the costs of higher levels of authority and not allow the tiring excuses to slow us down in that process”, said the U.S. Ambassador to our country.   

Representatives of the America-Bosnia Foundation declared that, in cooperation with the CTR SAIS, they will continue their activities in the following year as well, and thus contribute additionally to the efforts to speed up BiH on its road to EU integrations so it could provide a better life for its citizens. 


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