SARAJEVO HALF-MARATHON: “Run for a Cause, towards a Cause!” Humanitarian Action

The Sarajevo Half-Marathon, in collaboration with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, will have a strong humanitarian character this year. “Run for a Cause, towards a Cause!” – is the motto of the humanitarian action that aims to raise funds for supporting youth projects selected by the Institute for Youth Development KULT – the School of Friendship and the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.

In less than two months, the Sarajevo Half-Marathon will commence for the ninth time on 20 September 2015 at 9 am in front of the BBI Centre in Sarajevo. It is an international event being organised by the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo and that has developed in the last nine years in the greatest sports event in BiH, in which over 1200 runners from 32 countries participated last year.

This fact, as the Association claims, brings multiple benefits for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its capital. “Besides the economic, ecological and sports dimension of the project, the humanitarian aspect is of specific relevance to us, because we wish to improve the society we live in. Runners and athletes in general are known for their kindness and solidarity” – emphasizes Erol Mujanovi?, the Director of Association “Marathon” Sarajevo that will this year, in collaboration with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, gather funds to support selected youth projects. Athletes and guests of this sports event will be able to support the work of the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA and the School of Friendship. “It is our pleasure to partner with the Association “Marathon” Sarajevo, particularly in the humanitarian part of the sports event. The Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA is one of the leading socially-responsible youth centres in the country and through various activities, it directs and motivates youth. Beside SPAJALICA, the attendants will be able to do good for the School of Friendship that gathers children up to the 4th grade primary school, aided by the expert team in learning, problem-solving or socialisation” – emphasized Abela Purivatra of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.

All participants can register via website at and test their endurance on September at the 21.1 km race or at the 4 km Novo Nordisk Fun Run Race. The Association “Marathon” Sarajevo emphasizes that the Running School “KLIX” that aims to strengthen and provide support to beginners who will participate in races of the Association will continue its activities. Finally, besides the Half-Marathon and Fun Run Race, the “Marathon” announces a girls-only race or a walk of 3 km entitled “Girls Running”, that will be held on 13 September and that aims to contribute to strengthening the role of women in society and to fight discrimination and prejudice in sports.


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