Youth Councils as a Form of Civic Participation in Decision-Making

Zavidovi?i Local Democracy Embassy organised a workshop on “Local Youth Councils as a Form of Civic Participation in Decision-Making” within the DECIDE project implementation. The workshop was held at the municipal assembly hall in Zavidovi?i on November 27 2014, starting at 11:00 AM.

The existing forms of civic participation in decision-making were discussed at the workshop, along with the concept and the possibility of setting up a youth council as in other municipalities in BiH towns, the experience in establishing Local Youth Councils in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and ways for youth to form partnership with local authorities and have a certain role in making relevant decisions and policies. Representatives of the local executive and legislative government, institutions, civil society organisations, youth associations, schools, etc. attended the event.

The Institute’s representative presented the concept of establishing a youth council in accordance with the Youth Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, positive examples as well as the challenges that the founded youth councils are facing. Zavidovi?i Municipality does not have a youth council. Therefore, the steps that youth associations should take were presented as well. An emphasis was placed on forming a partnership with the authority institutions and improving youth policy in Zavidovi?i.

DECIDE project, with 24 partners form 14 countries, is being implemented by ALDA– The Association of Local Democracy Agencies and ALD Zavidovi?i and Zavidovi?i Municipality are among their partners. DECIDE aims at developing a democratic compact, through the establishment of a thematic network of towns and by adopting a bottom-up approach, namely – a set of measures that are needed in Europe to increase the quality of democracy and citizen participation.


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