No Wonder Youth Express Their Dissatisfaction on the Streets

Speaking of BiH youth, their options after graduation and employment opportunities, Beši? evaluated that youth wait for someone older to retire and for that vacancy because there are no new workplaces, except in the governmental sector. International project that focus on employment do not open job vacancies, but “reveal” workplaces that already exist. 

– If youth have no parents that they “indebted” someone according to the aforementioned principle, if there is no opportunity to acquire employment in the government or in public firms or institutions, based on their competences. Government is currently the biggest and the best employer, which is not good for the society. They are disappointed in the existing system since every day they have the chance to convince themselves that their diplome, non-formal training and experience do not provide them a workplace – he believes. 

I do not justify arson, but I can understand it 

He underlines that the drawbacks of the state of the country is a clear indicator to youth that work and effort do not pay off. He underlines that youth have no on eto teach them that it is worth to invest in oneself and that the investment will pay off through their work. Their unemployed or deceived-by-privatisation parents are the best example. 

Beši? believes that unemployment is either a consequence or a cause for most problems that BiH youth encounter. Youth through education were not learned nor encouraged to self-employ, not even in the schools of economics and business. The school system, as they state, did not train them to be good managers or lawyers, but to be management or law theoretics. 

Furthermore, he adds that without a state system of acquiring working experience, youth are not competitive on the labour market since they do not know the working principle, but only possess the knowledge that does not make them competent for their field of education. 

– When youth leave the educational system with a diplome, they are faced with difficulties in finding employment. What other possibilities do they have? Either to involve in crime or to leave the country. And both happens. How to form their own familiy if they have no money for rent? Youth, in their best years, are the category with the highest risk for acquiring bank credit, which is the ultimate absourd. So we should not be the least bit surprised that they expressed their deep dissatisfaction on the streets. I do not justify arsony, I can fully understand it. How can youth respect governmental institutions that so far haven’t provided them with anything that would enable them an even remotely normal life? – he emphasized. 

Beši? supports the attitude that employment by “favor” criteria slowly closes an elitistic, ore better yet, an oligocratic circle of those who ask for favors,and those who return them. The best example of this for today is employing university professors’ children in public universities. It is a rarity, he states, for a son to inherit his father’s craft, but it became normal for the children of professors to inherit the workplace of their parents, either in the same department or in some other. Another indicator to youth that hard work does not pay off. 

However, it is considered that not all is lost and that plenty of youth that recognised that the schooling system odes not offer much are on a search for alternative. Non-formal and informal education is gaining momentum. Youth attend courses, seminars, educational trainings on different topics to increase their chances on the labour market. 

– Sadly, a great number of youth is not familiarized with these opportunities. Only after they graduate, they see what they had missed. They all have to be aware that during schooling, they have to volunteer somewhere and improve themselves, introduce themselves with the business world and search for their own opportunities. Currently, the schooling system does not offer anything else but a ticket in the business world, which is a diploma – underlined Beši?. 

Coordinating the business system

Beši? therefore emphasizes that youth should read the Youth Law and Law on Volunteering and discover their rights. He emphasizes that the Law on Volunteering of FBiH especially offers the youth great opportunities to acquire working experience. 

The Executive Director of KULT concludes that youth in this country are looking for an educational system coordinated with the labour market, an opportunity for employment based on transparent criteria and certain incentives that will make the process of acquiring independence from their parents easier..

Also, he considers that the governement should provide incentives to employ youth in a greater extent than is presently done and to financially and motivate youth and advise them so they could start their own business and acquire residental independence. 

– Employers should enable youth to acquire professional training, and the governmental and the non-governmental sector should give them the opportunity to volunteer. The countries to which BiH youth leave have all the aforementioned, which is why the youth are motivated to invest in themselves and be successful, because it pays off in the long-term – for youth and also for the country – underlined Beši?. 


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