Participants of Human Trafficking Training Course Selected

Of the 266 contestants who applied to become peer educators on Human Trafficking, the following were selected:

Stefan Rankovi?

Edina Mehmedovi?

Adnan Smaji?

Ivana HodĹľi?

Ajdina Ahmi?

Semir TeskeredĹľi?

Zlatko Sofovi?

Anela MalohodĹľi?

Daria Viluši?

Samra Mahmutovi?

Denis Šiši?

Vedrana Braki?

Goran Lazarevi? 

Duško Suboti?

Zana Lepara

Majda Haki?

Aleksa Kruni?

Nemanja Draški?

Ajla Željkovi?

Martina Gaji?

Melisa Lipjanki?

Maja Ivi?

Jasmila Tali?

Jasmin Kartal

Irfan Huseinovi?

Amra Tuzovi?

Edisa Avdi?

Amar Alikadi?

Mirzana Subaši? 

The participants will be informed about the details via e-mail. See you on 20 November in the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA, Banjska Street 2, at 9:00 a.m.

Considering the fact that so many people applied for this training course, the Institute will organize another training course by the end of this year in Mostar, in cooperation with the Caritas of the Bishop’s conference in BiH and the German association for international cooperation GIZ, about which interested parties will be notified in due time.


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