Acting Against Peer Violence

If you don’t have an idea where to spend a nice spring weekend morning, we have a great suggestion for you!

On Saturday, 27 April 2013, at 10.00 a.m., at the Open Stage (close to Wilson’s Boulevard) near the Land Museum of B&H, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, in cooperation with the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Democratic Youth Movement, is organizing a spring cleaning action “Against Peer Violence With a Broom”.

Our goal is to bring together young people who are willing to do something beneficial for their community through socializing, competing and promoting volunteer work, and thus point out the importance of caring about nature and team work, and volunteering in campaigns against violence as well. The unique message of this action is that violence is never the solution and that we can achieve more positive goals through team work.

The partners of this action are the Hastor Foundation, which will join the action with more than a hundred of its scholarship holders, Coca – Cola, UG “Ruke – Let’s do it – O?istimo Zemlju za 1 dan“, who will coordinate the cleaning action, and the Environment Protection Fund of FBiH.

The action will be joined by the Youth Council of Sarajevo Canton, youth councils of the municipality, as well as by organizations Mo.Ba, MreVUKS – Sarajevo Canton Student Council Network, the Archbishop’s Centre for Youth Pastoral “John Paul II”, AISEC Sarajevo, Active Citizens training participants, the Association for Culture Novo Sarajevo, the Association of Peace Culture, Connect Association and other organizations and associations.

The program is set to begin at 10.00 a.m. at the Open Stage on Wilson’s Boulevard. After the cleaning action finishes, youth bands from Sarajevo “Strava škola“, “SniĹľeno vladanje“ and the International University in Sarajevo (IUS) Band will play for the participants and visitors.

We invite you all to join us, to do something for your environment and to welcome the weekend in a true activist spirit.


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