Globbally connected, locally engaged

On 23 March 2013, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre for Youth John Paul II and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, supported by the British Council, delivered the training course Active Citizens. 26 young people, willing to learn something new and become acquainted with the diversity among and experiences of people they had not had the opportunity to meet before, gathered at the International Centre for Children and Youth Novo Sarajevo, at 11.00 hours.

The fields addressed during the training course were assumptions, affirmative research, perception and multiple identities. The participants proved to be mature young people who are aware of social circumstances and they demonstrated that they are more than ready to apply the knowledge gained during the training course to formal or informal everyday dilemmas.

The training course was sponsored by Coca-Cola HBC BiH and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre for Youth John Paul II which provided the participants with lunch.

Active Citizens is the British Council programme related to the field of intercultural dialogue and global citizenship that is guided by the globally connected, locally engaged principle. The programme aims to contribute to positive social changes taking place within these communities and the global sustainable development by establishing a network of leaders who are going to mutually learn and act so as to address global and local issues.

The Active Citizens programme was launched in 2009 and is currently taking place in 20 countries across Europe and in 8 countries in Africa and Asia. It commenced in October 2010 in our country, and the British Council has educated and motivated, in cooperation with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, the last generation of active citizens. These educated and motivated active citizens are now educating and motivating young BiH forces.

Even this Saturday we welcomed 26 young people motivated to initiate changes, a dialogue and leave positive marks on the world map.

As we are looking forward to the upcoming training course … be smart, skilled and active.



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