KULT Attends Forming of Women’s Alternative Government of BiH

The second meeting on forming Women’s Government of BiH that represents the initiative of the CURE Fondation and the Helsinki Parliament of the Citizens of Banja Luka was held yesterday, on 2 february 2012 in Sarajevo. 

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT and representatives of other organisations, such as the Council of Europe, the Helsinki Committee, the OSCE and CURE Fondation. 

The first meeting on forming the Women’s Government was held in the end of last year, on 27 december 2011, in Banja Luka. 

The representative of the Helsinki Parliament of the Citizens of Banja Luka and the Project Coordinator of the Women’s Side of Politics, Vesna Stojanovi?, introduced the public with the realisation of the project that is being performed in three stages. 

The first stage is to establish a women’s political academy that will be attended by 26 participants in 3 modules during a 1-year period, hoping that the second generation of the academy will enroll in fall of this year. The first module will be held on February in Laktaši, where the participants will attend lectures of experts on topics of Gender and Politics, Gender and the Media and Gender and Social Power/Responsibility

The second stage is forming a Women’s Alternative Government of BiH that will operate as a background government that will promote women’s cadre and politically educated women. The Government consists of ministries, 9 basic ones and those that women consider to be relevant and necessary. The meeting was attended by the actress Minka Mufti? that suggested the Ministry for Moral/Spirituality, believing that it is important for returning morality in society. The appointed Ministers are successful and innovative women in BiH. It is emphasized that newspapers Nezavisne novine and Oslobo?enje are already working on the project of a successful and independent woman in BiH, and present a successful woman in every issue. 

The third stage is to form a readers forum between the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo and Banja Luka, but also between other faculties on the topic of gender equality. During this stage, two scholarships will be awarded i.e. two study visits (to Banja Luka and Sarajevo) for the purpose of writing a bachelor and master thesis that focuses on the topic of gender. 

The representative of the Helsinki Committee of BiH Branka Ini? emphasized the importance of underlining the problem, analysing it, as well as the reason why the Women’s Alternative Government is being formed and established. Having emphasized the proposals and suggestions related to forming the Women’s Alternative Government, Marija Kolobari? invited the NGO sector to attend the Open Door Days of the Museum of History on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 at 12:00. 

The meeting concluded after all the suggestions and proposals were written down, and on Monday 6 February 2012, the official list of ministries and Ministers chairing the Women’s alternative Government of BiH will be published. 

The participants of KULT’s project KOĹ NICA (BEEHIVE) – strengthening youth female leaders in youth organisations will continue with its contribution to the initiative with the message: “Women, wake up! The bell of reason echoes the universe: discover your rights! The mighty empire of nature does not surround your prejudice, fanaticism, superstition and lies. Be brave, fight with the power of reason against the empty expressions of superiority, unite.” 

More information is available at www.zenskastranapolitike.hcabl.org and www.hcabl.org.


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