Strenghtening institutions of the government and processes

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is a co-awardee of the Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes in BiH project, being implemented by the State University of New York/Center for International Development (SUNY/CID) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development.

The goal of the project is to support efforts by Bosnia and Herzegovina towards Euro-Atlantic integration through strengthening the capacity of the country’s governing institutions to adopt, implement, and account for more effective policies, laws, and budgets that address critical EU accession related issues.


The implementing organisations will work closely with the State and Federation Parliaments, selected ministries and cantonal governments, civil society organisations, and other development partners across the project’s four components:

– improving policy development in the lawmaking process

– improving budget preparation, review, adoption and implementation

– strengthening systems of public accountability and transparency

– enhancing the role and capacity of women in governing institutions, processes and systems.

Project activities will support executive institutions in six policy areas: health, environment, local economic development, justice sector reform, gender equality and youth issues. These activities will strengthen partners’ capacities to carry out participatory planning, budgeting and oversight processes and to adopt EU-compliant legislation.

KULT will cooperate with SUNY/CID on creating and implementing activities which will contribute developing draft law, using the standardised policy development methodology (SPDM). Activities conducted by KULT, with respect to improving policy development in law making processes will include providing technical assistance and background research, participating in a policy working group, facilitating the stakeholder consultation process. KULT will also take part in activities aimed at improving the process of budget preparation, review, adoption and implementation, in addition to taking part in workshops with the purpose of capacity building and providing stakeholders with sectoral expertise in youth issues. KULT will also contribute to strengthening the system of public accountability and transparency by providing information, monitoring reports and policy analyses, and supporting parliamentary commissions in reviewing budget audit reports.

Donor: USAID (United States Agency for International Development)

Partner: CID/SUNY(Center for International Development/State University New York)

Participating in implementation:

Institute for Youth Development KULT

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