

Youth Need Help Starting Their Own Business

Conducted research studies show that a significant number of youth find starting their own business an exit from the current situation (about 45%...


KULT at NARKO NE Celebration

On Saturday, September 27, 2014. in hotel Bistrica on Jahorina, the project Older brother, older sister, implemented by the NARKO-NE association from the...


World Day of Contraception Celebrated in IlidĹľa

September 26th is the World Contraception Day. The celebration of this day in Sarajevo was joined by NGOs from IlidĹľa: Institute for Youth...


Public Hearings for 22 Federal Budget Beneficiaries

After the Parliament of FBiH’s Parliamentary Committee responsible for audits, during its 44th session, scheduled public hearings of audited budget beneficiaries, members of...


Training Course for Associate Experts on Youth Begins

The first module of the Youth Worker training course, held on September 22-25, 2014 in the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA in IlidĹľa...


Freedom of Access to Public Information

A representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT participated in the „Advocating Open Authority“ seminar where NGO sector representatives from BiH and...


Keeping Up With International Development Organisations

The 2014 WINPACCS Symposium was held in the German City of Wetzlar. WINPACCS is a project accounting software by the mbi company from Germany, used by...


Pre-election “Coffee Time with…” Bakir HadĹľiomerovi?

The penultimate guest of the SPAJALICA youth centre within the frame of political awakening “Coffee Time with” cycle was Bakir Hadžiomerovi?, SDP member...


Interinstitutional Cooperation in the Fight Against Corruption

The Project Strengthening Governing Institutions and Processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina held a round table today on strengthening the inter-institutional cooperation of key...