

International Training for Better Youth Activism

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Active youth – step ahead to joint changes Young people must have the opportunity to lead changes within their own...


Public Call for Local Units of Self-Government in BiH to Participate in Entrepreneurial Fund for Youth

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is inviting all local units of self-government to apply to the public call for Supporting youth in...


Supporting Youth Employment in Western Balkans

The Western Balkan Civil Society Organizations for Youth Employment Support will improve the employability of youth and the Institute for Youth Development KULT...


Volunteering – A Way to Adopt New Values

We talked to students of Prva bošnjačka gimnazija from Sarajevo about volunteering, because they decided to implement their “Citizen” project with the support...


How Can Youth and Government Change Society Together?

Building stronger societies was the topic of the Western Balkans Youth Conference, held in Priština, March 26-27, 2018, prior to the upcoming Western...


Nevesinje Youth on Ecology and Forestation

For the past few days, Nevesinje has been focused on ecology, forestry and forestation. The Association of Multiple Sclerosis of the East Herzegovina...


Creative People of Blažuj Helping Persons with Disabilities and Illnesses

They don’t have support, they face obstacles at every step, but they want to help themselves and others. The Association of persons with...


Institute Partner of CEO High School Conference

On 21 April 2018, Sarajevo’s Dom mladih will host the CEO High School conference intended for high school students. The goal of the...


A Swede in Sarajevo: We Become Better Only If We Give As Much As We Take

Desirée Sterner is a 25-year-old woman who dedicated her life to studying learning about worlds different to hers and giving her contribution to...