

Youth Are Not Passive – Youth Voter Turnout Close to European Average

Youth voter turnout in BiH elections is the same as the turnout of the general population, and data should not be manipulated to...


Renovated Space for Library’s 60th Anniversary

The General Library in Vareš celebrated its 60th birthday in their renovated space. The Institute for Youth Development KULT supported the idea of...


Why Do Youth in Western Balkans Struggle to Find Jobs?

Youth do not have access to quality career guidance, there is a lack of coordination and cooperation among main stakeholders, access to information...


Gračanica: Youth and Employers Should Work Together

More than half of youth from Gračanica are planning on looking for a job abroad, according to the survey conducted by youth in...


You Have an Idea for Improving Your Local Community and Want Our Support?

Report a problem and suggest a solution by using local potential and connecting with others in your local community. localworks helps turn small...


Number of Students Declining in Travnik Municipality, Youth Not Ready for Marriage

  Close to 50% of youth in the municipality of Travnik are unemployed, according to the Analysis of the survey on the needs...


Business Is For Women, Too!

BY: Ajka Rovčanin, M.Sc, Institute for Youth Development KULT Finally! The government will provide systematic support to women entrepreneurs in BiH! A few...


Youth Policies Ahead of 2018 General Elections

Youth in BiH are marginalized due to the unfavorable economic and political situation and years of neglect by the government. This was one...


Turning Ideas Into Businesses

More than 20 startuppers from the municipality of Novi Grad introduced themselves at the one-day fair “Turning ideas into businesses” hosted on September...