

GRB in Triangle of Power – Will You Come?

GRB in Triangle of Power Conference is organised and on Friday, December 20 2013 implemented by the Institute for Youth Development KULT within...


Coffee Time with … Damir Nikši?

Spajalica rang with laughter last night with the laughter of young people enjoying the time with a renowned BiH artist, Damir Nikši?. It...


The School of Friendship

When little hands join together All can be done then, all can be done then  


Public outreach, third module of the USAID training programe

For a few seconds graphical elements will be loaded. Please wait.  


English Language

What we do is… Engagement Noticing Generalisation Listening Interpretation Speaking Hosting  


English Language

What we do is… Engagement Noticing Generalisation Listening Interpretation Speaking Hosting


Promotion of Analysis of States and Position of Youth in FBiH in 2013

At the Federal Government of BiH a promotion was held of The Analysis of States and Requirements of Youth in the Federation of...


Invitation to Exhibition of Children’s Artwork at SPAJALICA

We cordially invite you to an exhibition of children’s artwork at SPAJALICA, on Sunday, December 22, 2003. The exhibition will be open from...


Opportunity for Young Lawyers

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is taking this opportunity to inform future or current young lawyers about the possibility of joining the...